All About Dear Mixed Girl


Multicultural Girls and Women’s Coaching: Dear Mixed Girl is a coaching program for girls (and their parents/caregivers) and women of all ages from multicultural or “mixed” backgrounds. The program addresses identity and methods of addressing concerns such as external judgment, belonging, diversity, equity, and inclusion while fostering hope, maintaining dignity, co-creating effective leadership (personal/professional) development, and highlighting self-awareness. 

This program by Dr. KayLa N. Allen is evidence- and research-based and includes elements of different positive psychology and positive intelligence coaching. It is an experience delivered with wisdom, compassion, and a dose of gentle but tough love.

What You Will Learn From The Dear Mixed Girl Coaching Program:

– Life Skills

-How to Be Proud of Your Complete Identity

-What Makes You Special

– How to Embrace Your Differences

– How to Face Your Feelings & Challenges

– Personal and Professional Development Methods

– Parenting Support Tools


Dr. KayLa has a Doctorate in Healthcare Administration (DHA), a Master’s degree in Public Health, and a Post-Master’s certificate in Epidemiology. She is a Wellcoaches Certified Health and Well-Being Coach and ICF member- the gold standard in credentialed coaches. Dr. KayLa’s programs are rooted in evidence- and research-based coaching practices.
Each program is well-structured and strategically tailored to the needs and goals of the client.

Uniquely, Dr. KayLa N. Allen specializes in developmental coaching for biracial/multiethnic women. Her coaching programs are well-suited for graduate and doctoral students, women who have previously been affected by domestic violence, single moms, executive business leaders, and those moving past traumatic life-changing events.

Sources of Dear Mixed Girl Impact

– Original Letters (Online via FB, IG, Pinterest, YouTube, and more @drkaylanallen, Written, and Personalized for Mail and Digital Sending) since 2019! 🙂
– Speaking Engagements
– Workshops and Leadership Development
– Books, Blogs, and Articles- Audio, Video, and Digital Works

*One-on-One (Plus Parenting Figures) Dear Mixed Girl coaching program starts at $3500 USD. 

*Conferences and workshops available globally (starting at $3000 USD). Presentations, workshops, and speeches are regarding girls’ and women’s empowerment, diversity, identity, cultural competency, and leadership, and will be structured to align with all Dear Mixed Girl messaging.

Purple and white background of Dear Mixed Girl Brochure
Purple and white background of Dear Mixed Girl Brochure

How Did Dear Mixed Girl Begin?

From the Creator: I guess things truly started with my story. I am a bit of a woman of the world. I hate the applications and paperwork that ask me to identify my race and ethnicity because I do not “fit” into a box which I’m sure many of you can relate to. Nonetheless, I am the daughter of a Black mother and a Hispanic (Mexican family history) father. I grew up with a single but strong mother in Houston, Texas. I struggled with my identity in school and life throughout my childhood years, but after finding friends and spaces where I could be myself from time to time, I could be free. I am what one would call a “self-taught” Spanish speaker; I am indeed not fluent, but I have come a long way from my “Tex-Mex” and “Spanglish” that I picked up in the barrio and from the love of family friends! Lol.

I grew up in very diverse areas of town, and at times, this meant that I heard things like “You aren’t Black enough” (even though I loved chitlin’s and I grew up knowing nothing except what it meant to be Black). I also heard things from random whispering people in the stores listening to my conversations saying “Why is she speaking Spanish?” To this day, I still run into people being so bold as to ask me when I am ordering (in Spanish) my food at the taco stands OR IN MEXICO “Where are you from?” or “Who taught you how to speak Spanish, because you speak so well?” I had to face the reality that I was different and that would always be a part of my life.

Throughout my teenage years and into young adulthood, I struggled with my cultural and ethnic/racial identity, my hair, culture, personal growth, and beyond, but where I faced difficulties, I had to grow through them as well. Love and relationships were and are, in some ways, surely a part of my journey, and learning what it meant to be more than a pretty face and understand what beauty inside and out were powerful tools that I gained in due time. It wasn’t until I became an adult that I learned anything about the other side of my family and this opened a new world for me in terms of clarity, history, and some new relationships. All in all, with my education and experiences, I empowered myself to gain pride, clarity, and learn about my true greatness so that I could grow into greater versions of myself over and over again.

In 2019, I decided to create a space where girls and women felt heard, knew that their experiences were valid, and they could seek ways to become better versions of themselves without being judged, mistreated, invalidated, or disrespected because of who they are or how they look. I knew that writing about some of my experiences in a “real” way may be important as others probably had similar experiences. From childhood through my adulthood, there were and still are many experiences faced and lessons learned, so I wanted to use those things in combination with my education to empower others…and that is what I have done and will continue to do.

Do this snippet of my story resonate with you? If your answer is yes, then you know that you have found a space that will be of much value to you and your family no matter where you are in your journey.

Dear Mixed Girl Coloring Pages

Select and print a coloring page according to your closest “age” group below and remind yourself of how wonderful you are.

Please enjoy the printed version of these images/coloring pages by hanging them up, coloring them, or framing them. You deserve the reminder of all that makes you who you are, starting with a few gentle thoughts on who you may know yourself to be. Be blessed and be at peace. -Dr. KayLa N. Allen

Woman with brown skin and curly hair in a ponytail standing in a red hat, red blazer, black pants, and black heels 

Why Does Dear Mixed Girl Matter For You?

When you think about who you are, things like your family, culture, hair, favorite clothes, preferences in music, and identity may be at the top of your list. However, when it comes to facing the world, addressing other people, changes in life, different family members, demanding respect, walking into diverse work cultures with pride, and being who you are as you evolve throughout your life, there are elements of yourself that you must address consistently. With Dear Mixed Girl, there will be no judgment about who you are, and you will find tools of support, new ways to support your daughter, strategic methods of co-creating your future self and wanted outcomes, and new ways to tap into who you are without doubting your identity.

What Has Made Dear Mixed Girl What It Is Today?

Using what I have written, spoken about, learned, and shared with others, I have evolved Dear Mixed Girl, and continue to find more ways to level up for the benefit of others. There has been no right path or perfect next step to take. However with dedication, attention to detail, and the will to overcome while I develop initiatives, the Dear Mixed Girl impact will continue to grow and help girls and women of all ages internationally for years to come. Anyone that collaborates with Dr. KayLa N. Allen for the greater good of Dear Mixed Girl cares about you and your future.

I know that there is something wonderful happening through Dear Mixed Girl and my efforts as a coach and consultant. How do I know? Internationally, children of all ages, women of all ages, even the Vice President (Madam Vice President Kamala Harris) have been influenced, affected, or impacted by my original, online, or personalized letters – a few of these letters (and the response from the VP) can be found on the “Letters” page of this site. One life changed due to understanding, compassion, shifts in mindset, or a moment of effective support for someone can change the world, and this space of empowerment, coaching, and positive influence is already making that happen – what a blessing!

If you can see yourself in the images below or you are from a multicultural/mixed race family, then Dear Mixed Girl services are for you! There is no such thing as one-size-fits-all, and Dr. KayLa understands your walk through school, life, and work firsthand.

Three ladies with different types of curly hair and different skin complexions
Brown skin woman with a white shirt and blue pants leading a business meeting
Brown skin woman with curly afro white sweater and grey pants holding a cellphone
Brown skin woman with brown curly hair, a pink shirt and blue jeans reading from her desktop computer
White woman with a grey long sleeve shirt and black man with a white long sleeve shirt looking at computer
Family of different races with on a park bench
Brown skin woman and daughter both with curly hair in matching outfits of white shirt, blue jeans, and tennis shoes

If you are ready to begin this coaching program, would like a personalized letter, or would like to connect with Dr. KayLa to arrange a speaking engagement, interview, workshop, etc., click the button below to go to the contact page.

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